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If you enjoy shopping online and you want to support Meadowfield via our PTFA, you can now sign up to easyfundraising®.
easyfundraising is an entirely free service that allows people to shop directly at their favourite online store via the links on their website and at the same time raise a donation for the school once a purchase is made. There are over 4,100 retailers to choose from and signing up is quick and easy.
Just remember to select Meadowfield School as beneficiary and each purchase will generate a donation of up to 15% of its value, depending on the retailer.
Help Friends of Meadowfield Charity today by signing up to support us for FREE on #easyfundraising. You can raise donations whenever you shop online with over 8,000 brands including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Tesco, TUI and more. Plus, once you've raised your first £7.50, easyfundraising will double it! Please sign up here: