6th Form Curriculum

The curriculum is personalised, meaningful and appropriate for our students. This ensures that our students make outstanding progress both academically and holistically.

To prepare our students for adulthood the 6th Form curriculum is outcome focused to ensure that all groups of students, regardless of background or ability have the knowledge, skills and accreditations needed for life after Meadowfield School and into their adult lives.

We constantly ask ourselves questions.

  • What does the young person need to be able to do in order to live a purposeful; meaningful and fulfilled life?
  • What is their realistic future?
  • What do they need to be able to do by the time they leave the 6th Form and beyond?

The curriculum is delivered through 5 key zones:



The curriculum is delivered through practical, real life experiences. Each teaching room is set up to reflect its zone. For example, the Independence Zone is set up like a house with a dining table, kitchen area and bed.

To enable the delivery of the curriculum each teacher takes a lead on one zone. Teachers stay in their zones and students move around each zone. Students are in each zone for a whole day to allow for deeper learning. Teaching groups are grouped depending on planned final destinations and whether students will be spending one, two or three years in the 6th Form.

Maths, English and ICT are embedded across all zones and are not taught separately. For example, in the Community Zone students may learn about using timetables when they plan a journey in their local community, or they might write an advert for their Business in the Business Zone. Once a term, there is a Functional Skills focus week to assess learning and to help inform future planning within the zones.
Students are in vertically mixed groups, that is within each tutor group there are pupils from Year 12 to Year 14.Curriculum2

Pupils with all primary needs will be part of tutor groups with the exception of the Engage classes where our students who benefit from a Multi-Sensory curriculum approach to learning will stay together as to ensure medical, physical and learning needs can continue to be met with a focus on Communication, Cognition, Technology, Engagement, PSHE and Wellbeing.