Our Staff
Meadowfield School Contacts 2024-25
School Office number: 01795 477788
Name of person who deals with enquiries: Ginny Cosstick, Office Manager
Name of the Executive Principal: Jill Palmer
Name of the Principal: Angela Howe
Names of Deputy Principals: Liz Hymus, Joe White
Name of the SEN Co-ordinator: Jill Palmer
Names of Designated Safeguarding Officers: Liz Hymus (Safeguarding Lead), Angela Howe, Joe White, Caroline Jaques, Peter Masaryk, Sue David, Samantha Crook, Mark Taylor, Gemma Munoz, Katie Jacob, Sam Duggan (Sunnybank), Leah Harley (Fulston Manor), Di Simms (Staff Governor - Safeguarding)
Assistant Principals
- Sixth Form: Samantha Crook
- Enquire: Sue David
- Explore: Peter Masaryk
- Early Years & Engage: Caroline Jaques